Hurricane Hill Nature Trail

About Us

Michael Crofut is a 42 year old retired software developer.

Emiluz Lopez is a 45 year old retired accessibility specialist.

After crunching spreadsheet after spreadsheet we decided to join the FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) movement.  No matter what your age, taking the retirement plunge is scary.  On top of that, we decided to accompany one life-altering decision with another.  We sold or gave away nearly all our possessions including our lovely downtown Portland Oregon condo and we are now full-time RV’ers.  The RV lifestyle is a temporary transition towards our final destination of Braga, Portugal.

We are excited to start a new chapter in our lives together.  We are sad our friends and family will be a bit further away.  Hopefully, they will come visit us in Europe 🙂

We are building this website to document our adventures and provide some inspiration to anyone else considering similar lifestyle changes.

Feel free to comment, provide feedback, and/or contact us.

If you would like information on how we were able to retire at such an early age, we are unable to give financial advice, but we can divulge some of the strategies that have worked for us.

Hurricane Ridge Visitor Center
Sol Duc Falls