This post has nothing to do with any activity or adventure or new place we explored. Instead I just wanted to share some thoughts on the mental and emotional state of what it is like to live in an RV. Alot of the routines I had in my previous life in a condo in Portland, Oregon are gone. They have been replaced by new routines. I feel it is important to keep yourself grounded and I find keeping to a routine or a schedule helps me in that aspect. Just because we live in an RV doesn’t mean life is a full-time vacation. There are still chores, errands, tasks that have to be done on a daily/weekly/monthly schedule. Before we retired and moved into the RV, I found myself dreading errands/chores and trying to rush through them as quickly as possible in order to maximize the time for leisure activities. But now the chores don’t seem as painful and I don’t mind taking extra time to complete a task the right way instead of just the quickest way. I now find completing tasks to be rewarding and actually seek out work that may not be very important or critical but in the grand scheme of things improves our RV living situation.
I believe this is just one facet in a bigger picture of living more in the moment. Being fully focused on the task at hand or the person with which you are sharing a moment with. Little to none external distraction. I feel living in an RV and a little space has helped me in this area. Life simplified. I am definitely not cured of distraction — the cell phone being the biggest culprit — but I am seeing progress. And that is a good thing. Appreciating the Little Things in Little Spaces.