Liz and Rudy rolled into town last night and Liz was ready to join us on Day 2. Today’s ride was extra convenient because we started from the house. We were able to get an extra bit of sleep and felt more relaxed before putting rubber on pavement. Mexican Factory was closed so we had to settle for burritos from a coffee shop. Ride fuel, but not nearly as good as the last burritos. Rudy joined us on his e-bike for the start but quickly realized we were not headed to Lake CDA so he turned back. Nope, we were off to explore another lake — Hayden Lake.


Once we made it to the lake, we were in for some big rollers. Reminded me of Hagg Lake in Hillsboro, but these rollers were much bigger and there were a few longer climbs thrown in for good measure. Emi provided lunch today — chips and sandwiches taste so good after 25 miles on a bike. The biggest rollers and climbs came after lunch, but we were rewarded with some awesome views of the lake. A group of about 20 riders including a tandem passed us going the opposite direction. I wonder if they were doing a private tour like us or if they were a local group out for a day ride.


We rolled back into town and back to the house for much deserved beers and dinner 🙂