Since we had Monday July 5 off, decided to get out and see a bit of Olympic National Park. So did everybody else. Ha! We tried to go to Hoh Rainforest but it was a 1.5 hr wait just to get to the park gate. Once in the park, probably a nightmare to find parking. So we bailed. We will go during a non-holiday weekday — love having that flexibility in our lives.

We did check out Ruby Beach. Some cool rock formations. Peaceful place to walk around.

Stopped at Blue Jay Way Stop-In Stand. They sell pies and jam and other goodies. Just take what you want and leave cash in the jar or send them a PayPal or Venmo.

Emi found us a nice alternative to Hoh. Bogachiel Rain Forest River Trail
It was a bit of a drive on some rugged, very steep and windy roads, but totally worth it. On one stretch of the trail there were trees leaning against eachother and the breeze blowing them created some eerie sounds.

A pleasant, stroll through the woods type hike. Very relaxing.

Emi needed a little caffeine boost for the drive home 🙂