On our drive home from Wynoochee Lake after a lovely beach day, I said to myself “self, this here road back to town would make for one heck of a bike ride” 🙂


So on the next day, that is what I did 🙂


Really the only destination on Wynoochee Valley is the lake and since the lake doesn’t get alot of visitors during the week, I pretty much had the road to myself.  Very low traffic, beautiful views of the river, forest, and valley.  And about half of it was smooth asphalt.  Definitely the best route I have found in the 2 months we have been in Copalis Beach. Plenty of hills — 58 miles and 3300 ft of elevation gain.


I checked out the lake views from the boat launch.  You could see the entire lake and landscape from the viewpoint.  Hella steep climb to get out of the boat launch area — some 15-20% grades.  On the way back, nice views of the river valley.  One spot had a great view of a farm along the river and caught a glimpse of a river boat floating down the rapids.


No shortage of natural beauty in this part of Washington State.