Had no idea what to expect for 4th of July on the Washington coast. Luckily we had some friends in town that gave us the scoop. Turns out everyone and I mean everyone walks or drives out on the beach and fires up bonfires and fireworks. It was wild. I think we were the only people in the county that did not partake. Seen enough fireworks in my day. Ha! We went home just before sunset. Our RV park was a ghost town — everyone down at the beach. Felt like we were in a bunker inside our camper. Flashes of light and booming explosions could be seen and heard for hours until we went to bed. It was an interesting experience.
But speaking of friends, it was great to spend some time with Dave and Vallene. They were camping just a couple miles down the road. I like their camping style – I thought we ate good. They go all out with their meals. So good. Some of the best seafood I have ever had. And Thai style steak and chicken kabobs the next night. Dave did a great job flying his drone. That was fun to watch.
Our first 4th of July in our new home was a memorable one.